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Welcome to St. Colette Catholic Church

A family in faith and community

Parish LIfe

Parish Events

Established in 1977, St. Colette has grown into a spirit filled, family parish, centered on the Eucharist and reliant on the Eternal Mercy of the Father. We celebrate our Catholic faith and welcome all of God's people to join us as family, friends and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After serving for 23 years as Pastor of St. Raphael in Bay Village, I was appointed pastor of St. Colette following our second pastor, Fr. William Krizner.

Ministering with a dedicated staff, we have worked together to create a prayerful and welcoming atmosphere for the celebration of our faith and the sacramental life of the Church.

Thank you for taking a moment to browse through our welcome packet. Our Church is located on 22 acres of beautiful property which includes the Gate of Heaven Shrine. Our parish also features a religious gift shop, Lily Ann Grace, and a private Mary Chapel for personal prayer.

Please know that you are always warmly welcomed to join us! Come and See what the Lord has done!

May the Peace of Christ enfold you in His Love and Grace,

Rev. Timothy W. Gareau
