Each year the diocese sends us a Missionary Priest in behalf of the Missions and the many needs of the Universal Church. This year we especially welcome Fr. Vincent Petersen.
Fr. is a Conventional Franciscan Friar of the Providence of Our Lady of Consolation.
May he know the warmth and hospitality of our parish and enjoy his weekend with us. Thank you for being welcoming!
Lord Jesus you commissioned us to go forth and to proclaim the Good News of Salvation. Bless our efforts to bring Your Message to all of our brothers and sisters—most especially those who need the Grace of Your Holy Name. Bless those men and women who serve the needs of others all throughout the world. May their efforts bring Glory to Your Name and may the message of Love and Hope fill the hearts of all whom they encounter.
We ask this in Your Name through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.