THIS MONTH is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. With the anniversary of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, we’re reminded that the love and mercy of Jesus always conquers fear and destruction. We’re a people of life from conception until natural death. What happens in between is for us to put our hope, trust, faith in God— encouraging one another, building each other up for the Kingdom… also realizing that no matter where we fall in the spectrum of belief in Church teachings, in God’s teachings, that Jesus meets us where we are and brings us to where He needs us to be through his Divine Heart. This month, I hope you’ll join us in praying the ‘Thirty Days Prayer to St. Joseph” for one another— for our parish family, your own family/friends, the church, our country, the world…. There’s always much to keep in prayer! Have a joyful week! ~ Sara
PS— a year ago June 24th, Fr. Krizner and I celebrated the Sanctity of Life with homemade hot fudge Sundays in the rectory and the Church bells rang all day :) Every joy in life-LIFE- is worth celebrating and remembering… especially with ice cream!