If you ever call the parish office between Noon and 12:45ish :) it’s likely that no one will answer the phone because… well, we’re at lunch! I know much of the world doesn’t honor lunchtime as ‘sacredly’ as St. Colette, but there’s a reason for that. The first is quite practical, we’re hungry. Secondly, we do enjoy the “break”. None of us think of parish life as a “job”, but even the wonderful days are clouded with stormy ones. But the third and most important reason is the fellowship.
The friendship that the parish staff developed over the years is best described as a family. If you eat lunch with us, you’re part of us. And its not a notion that's revolutionary, but one that takes its roots in Scripture. The people Jesus ate with were the ones to whom he felt the closest— his friends and family. Martha was preparing a meal for Jesus when he came to visit her, Mary and Lazarus; Jesus made breakfast for his apostles after appearing to them on the seashore; He celebrated a wedding feast at Cana with a banquet; he ate his “last supper” with his Apostles...There’s something to be said about a meal and friendship— a lesson Fr. Krizner also taught us. When Fr. had to meet with us, whether it was for something silly, fun, business, spiritual, or even admonishing it was always before or after a “here, have a donut” or a candy, pastry, or sometimes a meal. There’s something comfortable and spiritual about sharing a meal with somebody.
This past week, we said goodbye to our college maintenance team. And of all the many fun times we’ve had over the summer, over the years, what we’ll miss the most is the friendship that started with lunch. We’ve been blessed with many great kids over the years, but there was something special about AJ, Giuseppe, and Owen this past summer. We’ve laughed together, cried together, did ministry together, talked about our faith together. They breathed life into our late spring when our spirits were down and joy dwindled. They brought laughter and fun back to our work-place and reminded us that what we share together isn’t bound by space or time, life or death, physical proximity, but in the heart. No matter where God takes these boys in his plan for them, we hold the time we shared and the memories that will last a lifetime close to us.
So to Giuseppe (Ohio University) and AJ (Mount Union) who are pursuing their degrees in physical therapy, and Owen starting his freshman year at St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia to study accounting, we’re proud of you, we’re with you, and we love you. You’re always home at St. Colette. Never forget that.
Parish family, I encourage you to join in our parish prayer to Blessed Carlo for these guys and all of our kids returning to school from the littlest to the biggest. Jesus says, “let the children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” And that includes the big kids too! Even in their adult-like appearance, they bring that insurmountable joy that we as “real” adults often forget—the fun, the silliness, the little things. They are our “children” too and they deserve the Kingdom of God. We pray THAT for them and all of our young people. So have a great year, and see you soon! And as Fr. would say… BE SURE TO GET TO MASS! ~Sara
Prayer to Blessed Carlo!
Dear Father, who has given us the ardent testimony of the young Servant of God, Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the core of his life and strength of his daily commitments so that everybody may love You above all else, let him soon be counted among the Blessed and Saints in Your Church.
Confirm my Faith nurture my Hope, strengthen my Charity in the image of young Carlo, who, growing in these virtues, now lives with You.
(Mention your request here… for the children going back to school)
I trust in you, Father, and your Beloved Son Jesus, in the Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother, and in the intervention of Your Servant, Carlo Acutis. “To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan”. “The Sacrament of the Eucharist: My Highway to Heaven.” Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us! Our Father- Hail Mary-Glory Be+