He Chose YOU for His Goodness!

The readings this week embody the reality of our call.  Our reality in conjunction with our uniqueness is as St. Paul says, that we are chosen by God to work with Him.  Sometimes we forget that, or think we’re not worthy of it, but yeah— He CHOSE us! And every Eucharist is a reminder of His choice so we may exist (as St. Paul continues) for the praise of His glory.  And through that, comes our call from Jesus in today’s Gospel, to let him work through us on our journey whether we’re loved for it or despised, whether we’re welcomed or ignored.  To stay until it’s time to go, or to go when we’re not welcomed to stay.  And the best part is, we need nothing for the journey but Him.  Understanding what this means for each of us comes from our own relationship and encounters with Christ.  The challenge comes by remaining patient along the way as his plan unfolds for us.  One things for sure, it always does! The Apostles were scared to go off on their own, two by two to begin their call with Jesus, but they were able to muster the courage because they had faith in HIS faithfulness.  The song after Communion today is called “The Goodness of God”.  It’s been the theme of our VBS campers all week (and my goodness what a WONDERFUL WEEK!!).  That at the end of the day, He is and will always remain faithful amidst the uncertainly of our journey or that of our call.  If you’re at the 10am Mass this weekend, I hope you enjoy the voices of the children acclaiming this song of praise.  If not, I still hope you enjoy the song!  Add it to your playlist!  May it uplift your soul and remind you of God’s faithfulness to you right where you are in your journey today, whether you’re loved or despised, whether you’re coming or going.  May it remind you that he chose you… that he needs you… that he loves you.

I know you as my Father!

I know you as my Friend.

And I have lived,

And I will sing,


Goodness of God!                             



Tremendous thanks to all who made this week GOOD for our kids. That the God who chose you for goodness continue to inspire you to that will, to that call each and every day!

Enjoy the song that was the inspiration for VBS 2024!