Project Endeavor Update

Talks have resumed with the designer as we have been held up by the pandemic for several reasons including the cost factor. Within the month we will have a definite path forward. This has truly become a “project”, but I want to keep costs reasonable for our financial situation and o not want to burden the future with a loan that is unreasonable. It may seem that we have been at a stand-still, but we have been working diligently on the massive amounts of details involved with building, catch basins, parking and so on. We have set a 30-day deadline with the builders as t a feasible, workable, practical and financially acceptable plan. We will keep you updated on all progress. As always, thank you for your interest, concern, and generosity which helps to make all of this possible. With all the other daily details of parish life, this is on the front burner.— Fr. Krizner