A Letter From Annie...

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

             `I hope you are ALL well and content.  I know that after you dropped me off in Brunswick you were all scattered through different states. I just want you to know that I hit the pay-load.  I am NOT bragging but the guy who got me is a priest in a very big church and home.

I live with Gracie and a rabbit named Cotton or something like that. I have to tell you that I have people around me all the time. I keep getting scolded for jumping on them but I am so darn happy to see everyone. There are even people who bring me treats –her name is Mrs. Manson. There is a lady who walks me her name is Judy and there is a young guy who works here named Owen who runs me –but has to be reminded each day. There is an office here and the lady who runs it is Kathy– she takes really good care of me along with another lady named Lisa. They really watch out for me!  There is a man who walks me every morning and then gets a little upset when I have an accident in the atrium—his name is John.  There is even a man who says that he can be my grandfather and his name is Ed. Once a week a lady named Jeanette comes and plays with me, runs me, walks me until I tire Her out ! 

On weekends there is this man and Lady who let me come out before the 4 o clock Mass—Glen and Tracy.  You just wouldn’t believe how many people look after me—they say I am ‘cute’ whatever that means. I have also heard some people say that I am too exuberant –but who knows what a word like that means.  Gracie is one of us Beardies but she seems to be a little aloof. I mean she’s nice and all but doesn’t share her food with me or really want to play. I have heard the Office people say that she is the Queen of the place but this isn't England. So I just wanted to say hello and let you know that life is good! In fact, it is Great.  So far I have destroyed 4 rolls of bathroom tissue, one table leg, I found a piece of paint peeling so I tore it off completely and made a wonderful hole, I hide the priest’s shoes and on occasion I –well you know!  Now really how much better could life be! If you are even in the area stop by—I’ll share a very comfortable couch with you and show you how to give’ puppy eyes’ for treats….it works every time.  Well take care  everyone and I’ll see you all in my puppy dreams!

LOVE, Annie


PS –By the way I think I’m Catholic! I shop regularly at my gift shop to the  dismay of the shop keeper Kathy P!