Our Lady, Queen of Victory, Pray for Us!

Of the many devotions, the rosary is certainly a favorite amongst Catholics, and for good reasons.  Mary promises good things (fifteen of them to be exact) to those who recite and propagate the rosary: things like eternal life in heaven, triumph over sufferings, deliverance from purgatory, and more.  In its early form as a meditation on the psalms, to its present reciting that’s won battles sustaining Western Civilization (see full history), the popular piety and the meditative peace that come from the prayer are just a few of the many reasons these beloved beads are loved so much. 


The rosary is not a complicated prayer, but a prayer that takes time, takes mindfulness—a familiar term used today by various industries.  To be “mindful” means to focus on one’s state of being in relationship to the world around them.  This state, in turn, should increase positivity and reduce anxiety amidst difficult circumstances.  Society offers various ways of how to participate in mindfulness… so does our faith.  Today’s Second Reading from Philippians tells us to have no anxiety at all, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving to make our requests known to God.  Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil.4:6-7).  Because Mary is always trying to lead us to Jesus, the rosary certainly does these things: it’s a prayer lifted to God, petitions our needs through Mary’s love, and gives the glory back to God with a grateful heart.  The reason why the rosary isn’t just a fad of chants, “good vibes” or a relaxed state is because it roots itself in the true, the pure, the lovely, the gracious, and all the things of God that are worthy of praise (Phil. 4:8).  It calls upon the heart of a Mother, given to us by her Son to comfort us, and lead us to Jesus, the Peace that surpasses all tranquility. 


It’s no coincidence the rosary has remained as popular as it is.  Perhaps it’s something that you pray often, or an heirloom given to you by grandma just waiting to be unleashed into insurmountable blessings it can be your life.  Either way, it’s a beautiful tool that’s inspired believers, answered prayers, won battles, and brought about peace.  Take advantage of Mary’s gift to you!  Our Lady, Queen of Victory, Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us! ~Sara


A bit of history: the rosary has evolved over time to draw Mary’s heart closer to ours, and our hearts closer to her Son’s.  A meditation on the life of Christ through the eyes of Mary, the rosary takes its roots in scripture. In the early church, it was a popular devotion for Christians to pray all 150 psalms.  Because not all could read, the faithful instead prayed a “Hail Mary” 150 times, eventually keeping track of them on a knotted rope.  In 1214, Mary appeared to St. Dominic, giving him the form of the rosary that we know today with the three sets of five-decade mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries.  St. Pope John Paul II later added another set of mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, for a modern prayer that includes four sets in all.


The Month of the Rosary and its feast day, October 7th, gets is patronage in the 16th century when the Ottoman Empire ran rampant, endangering the Roman Catholic Church of its time.  Severely outnumbered against Muslim forces, on October 7, 1591, Christians prayed the rosary for the soldiers in battle.  When they rose victoriously Pope St. Pius V named the day, The Feast of Our Lady Queen of Victory, later changed by Pope Gregory XIII to Our Lady of the Rosary. 


O Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You!

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!  Such a seemingly simple sentence of childlike faith: O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!  Yet it’s one of the most profound acts of faith.  We often think that to surrender means to give up, or give in.  But to surrender in a spiritual sense means to give up the things we can’t control and allow God to take the wheel.  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.  For all of us, our week has been defined by the calendars in our phone or on our fridge, the morning alarm, the relationship with a family member, friend, or coworker, the pressure of a deadline, the media, the results from a medical test, the anxiety regarding the upcoming…. whatever it is.  And because we’re human beings we’re so good at figuring it all out, at making sure every detail of our lives and relationships are perfect… at being in control!... aren’t we?  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!  We’re not good at it.  We’re not.  We forget to check the calendar, set the alarm, we often say hurtful things to loved ones or people we work with, we take advantage of situations, we let the media and current events affect our behavior and thoughts, we’re crushed by news of illness… and the loss of loved ones… and the idea of change.  For me personally, and for our parish family, we were “crushed” on April 1st of this year when our beloved pastor was called home.  I can’t tell you the exact time that the Surrender Novena was introduced to me, but I know that the phrase from it, “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything” has been on my lips many, many times since that day.  I’ve been praying the whole novena here and there as well but took some “time off” from it to focus on other prayers throughout the summer.  This past Tuesday, however, I decided to start it up again.  I thought it appropriate since it was the day the parish staff was meeting Fr. Tim Gareau for the first time.  I was—we were—very excited!  It's time for this… we’re ready for this… But it’s a new experience, and out of our control… and that’s always scary.  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!  I’ve heard only wonderful things about Fr. Tim’s spirituality, humility, gentleness, and pastoral leadership… and even that “Fr. Krizner hand-picked him”…. Fr. Krizner was good at handpicking people.  When he noticed that “Jesus part of YOU” the parish needed—that the world needed, he brought it out it the best ways for ministry, parish life, and worship.  We all know, we ALL know how much Fr. Krizner loves us—all of us.  He was a good shepherd to our parish and gave all he had for us until his last day.  So at that “first meeting” on Tuesday, when Fr. Tim met us with a friendly greeting, warm gathering, and a gift for each of us—a copy of the “Surrender Novena” which he’d been praying these last few months on his journey to come here, I knew with all my heart that Fr. Krizner hand-picked him too (he also brought a big box of the most beautiful donuts… just sayin!).  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!  There’s more to the story for another day.  Today, we surrender to Jesus! And we take comfort in his care for us as a parish family and in every part of our lives!  In the Gospel today, he tells us that “if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”  Perhaps, like me, you’ve been praying the Surrender Novena throughout the past five months, or perhaps not.  But I know you’ve been praying that God would send us a good pastor, and that Fr. Krizner would intercede.  And how beautiful that God has heard our prayers united and gave us Fr. Tim Gareau!  How grateful we are, and we just can’t wait for you to meet him!  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!   As Fr. Bob so beautifully stated last weekend, we continue forward as a team in God’s good time.  On behalf of him, Deacon Scott, Lisa, Noah, Jeanette, Ed, and the rest of the gang it truly is our honor to serve the amazing people of St. Colette. O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!   Fr. Tim invited the parish staff to pray the Surrender Novena with him perpetually through November 20th.  By the time you read this, we’ll already be on Day 5 or 6, BUT we invite you to join us!  It doesn’t matter when you start, just that you do!  Continue to pray for Fr. Tim as he says goodbye to his people at St. Rapheal, and as he prepares for his ministry with us.  Continue to pray for each other and our extraordinary parish family… Continue to surrender yourself to the God who only wants what’s good for you… and see how he gives us what is good!  O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!... today and always.  God love you this week!~ Sara

Franciscan Sisters TOR Host Benefit

The Franciscan Sisters TOR (based just outside of Steubenville, Ohio) invite you to attend their annual Benefit on Saturday, September 30, 2023. The event begins with Mass at 4pm at their motherhouse followed by dinner at a local banquet hall. The event is free to attend, but guests must register. To find out more, please go to https://www.franciscansisterstor.org/events/share-his-mercy-benefit-2023 or contact Sr. Miriam at (740) 544 6254.

Live in the Light!

Creation has a beautiful way of illustrating God’s Word. I love to sit by my front window and watch the sunrise while saying my morning prayers, taking a breather before the day befalls me. In fact, it’s what I’m doing as I write this. The sun peeks through a small opening of trees illuminating the day; sometimes it’s an exquisite scene and other times a dim, cloudy morning... but the sun awakes the earth all the same. In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus tells us to “fear no one. Nothing is concealed that will not be known. What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light.” Many times, I’m afraid to live in the light. It’s easier to keep to myself.

Then there’s the sparrow in today’s Gospel. And I promise, I’m not making this up, but the sparrows like to flutter by my front window while I watch the sunrise (boy this scene worked out for today’s article, didn’t it?). I always think of this Gospel when I see them. “You are worth more than many sparrows,” Jesus says. In ancient Jewish times, the sparrow was literally the cheapest bird one could buy to offer sacrifices to God... “two small coins” is all it took, and we can assume that it was the poorest of the poor who bought them. Sacrifice in the temple was mandatory for Jewish ceremony/life. How small one must have felt sacrificing their sparrow after the person in front of them offered their calf, goat, dove, etc... Yet Jesus says to us, “I see you, I got you, I love your efforts... don’t be afraid of what other people think or say about you... what they might to do diminish your light. Live in MY light! For if every hair on your head I can count, or every ‘worthless’ sparrow is known to me, my goodness, how much MORE do I love you! You are worth more than many sparrows.”

So literally or metaphorically, however you want to read this: whether it’s a perfect sunny day, or we have to look for the sun through the clouds the LIGHT is there all the same... and the light of truth is more powerful than anyone or anything we fear. Thank YOU for sharing your light in the world... especially in our beautiful world of St. Colette. Keep it going! ~Sara

Lord, I Believe, I Adore, I Hope, and I Love You!

Doubt, fear, uncertainly, boredom, anxiousness, anger, confusion, grief, pain… as human beings it’s natural and often seasonal in our lives so-to-speak to experience negative emotions. There’s a LOT going on the world today that doesn’t help either… well, it offers solutions to negativity… or does it? In the Gospel this Sunday, taken from John (Bread of Life Discourse to be exact), Jesus is basically telling us that life is going to be hard… and the world is going to try and offer us ways, oh so many ways, to “feel better” whether it be through the good things like vacations, relationships, food, shopping, entertainment (I love all those things!) or other not so great things. But “guess what,” he says, “that stuff will never satisfy. The only thing… the ONLY THING that will is ME— my flesh, my blood, for you.” I went to confession last week and for my penance, Fr. Andrew told me to sit in front of the Tabernacle for 10 minutes and “see what happens… see if there isn’t something Jesus needs to bring to light.” I did… and because I was expecting something to happen, I thought “shoot, now I’m going to get nothing.” And just like that, a memory that I didn’t realize I was carrying with me came to light like a beacon. And then so many things going on in my life today made sense… it was a total God moment… and I’m grateful to have given God “a moment” of my time both in the sacrament of confession and prayer. So where is this going? Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi— the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, a day solely focused on Christ’s real and true presence in the Eucharist. Because Holy Thursday, the institution of the Eucharist, has so much going on— washing of the feet, Last Supper, Triduum, agony in the garden, etc., the emphasis on “Christ’s Body and Blood” loses it’s place of prominence…so the church created another feast for our focus and appreciation. Sunday is all about the Eucharist. Since the 1200s, Catholics have processed the Eucharist throughout the neighborhoods as a sign of faith, a beacon of light for those under the weight of all that makes life hard… for us. That piece of bread, that sip of wine isn’t just a symbol, but our God who doesn’t want to be a memory or only Words in a book, but an actual part of us, the “Source and Summit” as the church calls it for our everyday existence in a world that’s often cruel, in a life that’s often hard. I’m grateful for the “revelation” I had in prayer before Jesus that day. Not every prayer is like that for me, and while I take the faith very seriously, there's always going to be things I need to learn and ways to grow in holiness… to be the person He made me to be. But I’m grateful, SO GRATEFUL for the sacrament of Eucharist and for a God who knows me so well and loves me anyway. I hope as the Eucharist is processed this weekend at Mass it’s a beacon of light for you too!

On days like this one to come I can’t help but recall much of my learning from Fr. Krizner. And I’m grateful we’re able to honor him this weekend as a parish family on a day that meant to so much to him… because he understood how much it means to US in the scheme of our relationship with Jesus. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday June 11th for our Eucharistic Procession after 11:45 Mass and the Hot Dog Sunday Fr. Celebration to follow! Have a great week!~Sara

The month of HIS Heart... the month of LIFE--- Celebrate JUNE!

THIS MONTH is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  With the anniversary of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, we’re reminded that the love and mercy of Jesus always conquers fear and destruction.  We’re a people of life from conception until natural death.  What happens in between is for us to put our hope, trust, faith in God— encouraging one another, building each other up for the Kingdom… also realizing that no matter where we fall in the spectrum of belief in Church teachings, in God’s teachings, that Jesus meets us where we are and brings us to where He needs us to be through his Divine Heart.  This month, I hope you’ll join us in praying the ‘Thirty Days Prayer to St. Joseph” for one another— for our parish family, your own family/friends, the church, our country, the world…. There’s always  much to keep in prayer!  Have a joyful week! ~ Sara  

PS— a year ago June 24th, Fr. Krizner and I celebrated the Sanctity of Life with homemade hot fudge Sundays in the rectory and the Church bells rang all day :)  Every joy in life-LIFE- is worth celebrating and remembering… especially with ice cream!


Don't Look Up at the Sky

Wednesday I was putting together the weekend music books. As I reached for the Alleluia— The “Alleluia for Ascension”, a setting that Fr. Krizner wrote (he was a songwriter too…. who knew!)— I pulled this out of the folder instead. Fr. would often write notes during Mass and pass them along to me about things to add/change to the music “in the moment”— I loved those Holy Spirit moments. They were among the many things that made his priesthood and ministry so endearing. I’m often “off the cuff” as well which is one of the reasons why we worked so well together… I’m getting off topic… anyways, I reached for this. It was something he wrote for Ascension some years ago. He added a bit of Santucci’s words as well— but it was his creative spin on it. He had me read it at Mass, probably after his homily or the reflection song. I always saved these writings/notes in my music folders thinking that it would be fun for me to find them again in the future. I’m grateful for that, especially since it was exactly what I needed to read that very day. Can’t keep this God-moment to myself so I must share it with you. I hope your Ascension weekend is filled with hope and peace.— Sara

Be sure to check out our Fr. Krizner page for events in his honor.

"I am the gate... come find pasture."

I've said it before, but it's the truth!  These Sunday Readings were made for our time as a parish family, and praise Jesus for his comfort through them.  Our Gospel from John this week says, "The sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."  Fr. Krizner used to fondly talk about his time as a new Benedictine Monk in Boston before coming to St. Andrew's in Cleveland.  Part of his duties were to tend the sheep and (no surprise), it was the joy of his life!  One of the amazing things that he shared was that the sheep had many human onlookers, but only responded to the call of their shepherd.  Anyone else who tried the same call signs and sounds had no success.  This story strikes a tender chord in my heart for a number of reasons, among them being that no matter the noise and distractions of whatever may be going on in our lives on a personal or parish level, when the Shepherd calls, we'll know His voice.... we'll just know.  When we "fix our eyes on Jesus" and go wherever he leads, we enter through his Gate of security and peace until, like Fr., we're led home. 

In my imagination I like to think of Fr.'s first glimpse of heaven as a parallel to his monk/sheep story: that he's RUNNING with a body no longer broken or in pain, through a field of the most lush, green grass, playing with the lambs... and as he runs to the gate, the shepherd turns to greet him, and it's Jesus.  God love you this week! ~Sara

Christmas Village! A Wonderful Day of the Year!

Christmas Village 2022 was nothing short of a magical day. Santa and Mrs. Claus were once again welcomed by parishioners young and young at heart with a grand reveal of Santa’s throne. Dasher’s Diner served a nice luncheon while Ms. Shirley and friends entertained our littlest crafters. In the atrium were the dedicated elves of Santa’s Workshoppe, selling and wrapping gifts for children to take home and selling tickets for the Village Grand Raffle. Raffle baskets were donated by the Daughters of St. Colette, the Holy Name Society, Carol Weiss, Patty Shell, and Nancy Porter. New to the Village this year was “Gingerbread Land” where children got to decorate their own gingerbread house— a huge hit this year! A huge thank you to the many hands involved with making this day a success, including Kevin Laughlin from maintenance who helped with all of the major set-up—- could not have happened without you!

Check out this nice article by PSR alum, Mia Dolan of Brunswick High School. Thanks, Mia for covering the story!


Our Parish on the Radio!

Bob Tayek hosts a radio program on AM 1260 “The Rock”, entitled “Where We Worship.” Bob spoke with Fr. Krizner, Lisa Radey and Christina Dinklocker, one of our founding parishioners. This was a chance to highlight the Parish of St. Colette. It gave some insight on where we came from and who we are today. This will air on Sunday, November 20th at 11am and repeat on Saturday November 26th at 4:30PM. Mark your calendar and tune in to AM 1260 The Rock!

Ready to Welcome Franciscan Sisters!

On October 16th at 6:30PM we welcome Sr. Anna Rose, T.O.R. Her and Franciscan sisters will present a evening of reflection on the Blessed Sacrament. From Cleveland, Sr. Anna attended St. Charles and Holy Name High School where she was a member of Campus Ministry under Fr. Krizner. As a Franciscan sister, Sr. Anna found her “highway to heaven” in service to her community and dedication to our Lord in prayer. Her and her Franciscan friends will share that witness with our parish community. We hope you will join us! Bring a friend!

Eucharistic Revival!

Virtual Eucharistic Revival Conference

The USCCB is also hosting a Eucharistic Revival Conference from September 22-24. Please share this link with anyone who might be interested in participating in this FREE virtual conference.


Eucharistic Miracle Display

In response to the diocesan year of Eucharistic Revival, SS. Cosmas and Damian Parish in Twinsburg will be hosting the Eucharistic Miracle Display as chronicled by Blessed Carlo Acutis. Blessed Carlo was a teenager from Italy who developed a website dedicated to the documented and scientifically scrutinized occasions when the Holy Eucharist changed in its physical appearance, reminding us that the bread and wine of the Mass truly become the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


From October 17-30, 2022, SS. Cosmas and Damian Parish will be welcoming tours from Catholic schools and parishes, as well as the local and surrounding cities. The event is completely free. The parish campus will be set up like a museum for the thousands that are expected to participate in the event. New Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, Most Reverend Michael Woost, will be offering Mass on Saturday, October 22 at 4:00pm. Consider publicizing the event in your parish bulletin or organizing your parish staff or a parish group to dive deeper into the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Click here for more information.

God Bless Our Seniors and Students!

As summer winds to a close, we acknowledge the service of our graduating seniors. Pictured, Vince Bonanni, AJ Fuller and Giuseppe DiTeodoro, part of our maintenance crew, move-on to college this Fall. We’re grateful for their hard work, dedication, and joyful presence they brought to our parish each and every day. They will always remain a part of our parish family and in our prayers as they start their next chapter.

Similarly, we congratulate all of our children starting a new school year. May your year be blessed and your minds filled with knowledge and wisdom to live a life in God’s grace. Continue to be his light in the world!